Do you do what you do for FAME or FORTUNE; or neither?
Out of these 3 options of Fame or Fortune below,which one do you choose? Digging in more; why do you choose what you choose for the idea of reason of choice? A better explanation I guess is which would you get the most please from?
Receive zero financial gain become super famous for being a movie star, a Olympic Athlete, or curing CANCER. *Note: Let’s assume in this scenario you do succeed developing a cure for cancer|people but you want no one to give you any financial reward.*
Be famous and get $300k, but you have no control over what your fame is for until after you pick it. Example: you get a 50/50 chance of being a celebrity that people know and want an autograph from you. Being a “celebrity” reaping both sides of the benefits such as sitting at the Oscars rubbing shoulders with other famous celebrities. Also getting financial advice from Warren Buffett and other successful financiers. Please Note* choose you dream situation on who you want to sit next to and have mentors as.*
Receive $300,000 absolutely free and clear, and you’ll never be famous in your lifetime for anything but you will be respected based on your choices on what you do with that $300,000!?
My answer is very easy for me but I really really want me readers think about this hypothetical situation! This example is really close to winning the lottery for half of lottery winners do not have a mentor a or a board of mentors to guide them on how to manage that received money. I, for I will battle cancer because I have it would want to help prevent cancer and/or any other disease. That is my goal to give something back that’s much much bigger than myself. If you have had or have cancer you know what I’ am saying and if not just try to imagine the most traumatic, best, most growth as a person you will ever experience! 😉
Now you choose just one!
Out of curiosity, What option did you choose? I know I personally can not live with fame for I watched a very close friend grow up to be a very different individual than when we first met and that experience which she nor I was ready for, turned out very tragic o the emotional level. It also didn’t turn out to be the kind of life or lifestyle I really wanted nor I had respect for. I like and love living my life with out the pressures that being a famous celebrity and even so I really like living my life on the down low not to mention and you can do a lot with $300,000! Especially if you surround yourself with mentors that have your best interest in mind with their hands not in your pocket collecting your hard worked with long hours to get you in front of the so called right people.